Saturday, October 18, 2008

I love God

Ever since becoming a Christian, my r/s with corinna has been improving.. maybe slowly but definitely, we are getting closer despite seeing her like only once per week.. she's staying in Hall, so effectively I only get to see her from fri-sun when she finally comes home.. 'see' as in really seeing, but not chatting.. to say the truth, we rarely chat.. most of the time I'll be disturbing her.. haha. she's such a study freak!! (oops)

I admit that time & distance doesn't really determine how affectionate or close you'll be to someone.. it's not proportionate.. some people whom I hang ard everyday or most of the time, I don't feel close to them at all.. on the other hand, those whom I rarely keep in touch (or hardly see), I'm infact closer to them.. Why...? why...

Sometimes I long for someone whom I can just pour out my feelings, someone whom I can relate to, someone whom I don't have to worry about telling everything.. but... either that person haven't appear in my life.. or it might be someone whom I already know but I have yet to realize that that's the person.. Right now my only channel is God.. My woes, problems, sadness.. essentially everything, I will look to him first.. It's easier to talk to him than to the people around me.. the best time is during Praise & Worship, where I really praise him, and also pray to him..
If not for him.. my life will be in a chaos.. definitely, and really.

I'm so looking forward to service later.. U should know why.. :)

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